You're a very busy person. You don't have time to keep track of everything going on at home, so you have to prioritize. Sometimes, that can leave certain tasks to fall by the wayside.

Maybe you finished the milk and forgot to buy a new carton before the current one expired. Perhaps you forgot to take that meat you were supposed to cook for dinner tonight out of the freezer to defrost. Maybe your fish weren't fed this morning. Short of writing down sticky notes and leaving them everywhere (a daunting task in and of itself) it's virtually impossible to remember to do everything when it needs to be done. We need constant reminders. We need to receive that information efficiently and in a way that we are guaranteed to see it on time.

Today, the risk of missing these various deadlines can be alleviated with mobile technology and the internet of things. 

The online revolution is not slowing down. In fact, it's only growing as more items are given internet capabilities. The internet of things refers to the growing trend of connecting traditional items to the World Wide Web, allowing users to get more out of them than ever before. We already have cars that can connect to the internet to obtain and share important data, as well as pedometers that can track a runner's progress and push that information to their various social networks.

Imagine the potential. What if an oven or blender could share activity to Facebook, allowing others to see what their friend was making and offer suggestions to improve his or her recipe. The possibilities are virtually endless, and the mobile revolution is only increasing the impact of the internet of things, because it can be tied in with various SMS services

Think back to that expired milk, frozen meat and unfed fish. What if your carton could send you a text alert when it was set to expire, because it was connected to your network. What if your fish could virtually text you that they were hungry? This future isn't that far off. Soon, individuals with cell phones may be able to receive text alerts whenever any task needs to be completed. This can also help with text message marketing.

Businesses can use the internet of things to enhance their text message marketing initiatives

If items that connect to the internet can send text alerts to users whenever there is a certain need, why can't this principle apply to the way brands and retailers interact with consumers? What if a product was about to go on sale, so the item sent a text message to users? Imagine that if it were the last one available at a particular store's inventory, a message was sent to announce the fact.

This gives businesses a whole new way to conduct text message marketing. The internet of things streamlines the process by connecting users to various components that can trigger messaging when an important announcement needs to be made. 

Not only is this a glimpse at the potential of SMS services, it shows why texting is still going strong after all these years. Quick, simple messaging is the most effective way to communicate important information in a short amount of time, and as technology evolves SMS will only become more effective. Swift SMS Gateway offers the tools businesses need to implement a system that takes advantage of new technologies while maintaining the simple messaging style that has proven to resonate with recipients.