There are a variety of marketing channels businesses can utilize to maximize their reach to customers, but not all of them integrate easily. While mobile text marketing fits well with social, email and web ad efforts with ease, it hasn't has as much success with video. However, there are ways to integrate video and text marketing strategies to help them play off of each other well.

Below are a few tips for bringing your video and SMS efforts together:

Channel plugs – Don't forget to plug your company's YouTube channel or Instagram account once in a while in a SMS message. This can be an excellent inclusion in a call to action.

Mobile video – One of the most important mobile trends has been the rise of video consumption on mobile devices of the last few years. With more people watching short videos on their smartphones, this provides an excellent opportunity for businesses looking to tie video to their SMS marketing scheme. Include links to the videos you want customers to watch in your texts to redirect them to a company app or YouTube easily.

Video reminders – Putting a reminder to consumers to sign up for promotional texts at the end of marketing videos is another great way to tie these resources together that is quick and easy. You can also drop a link to text signups in YouTube video descriptions.

Channel plugs – Don't forget to plug your company's YouTube channel or Instagram account once in a while in a SMS message. This can be an excellent inclusion in a call to action.

Bringing video and SMS marketing together doesn't have to be hard, but any businesses needs to remember to balance these channels with care. If you're looking to implement a high-quality text marketing campaign, don't forget to implement the needed SMS API to optimize your texts.