Managing data is a crucial component of any marketing operation. Professionals use metrics to fine-tune their strategies and consolidate target markets. Data analytics has complemented traditional methods for years, but modern marketing practices such as text message marketing can also be improved by tracking information.

When organizations send out bulk SMS messages to prospective customers, they can learn a lot about those individuals by the level of interaction the strategy induces. For example, a text message sent to a large group asking for a response isn’t going to receive a reply from everyone, but those who do respond will likely be more receptive to future marketing messages.Companies can also use other data such as geographic locations to further enhance the effectiveness of their engagement.

Let’s say a national retailer sends a message to 10,000 cell phone users and 7,000 respond. Suppose 50 percent of the replies are from the Northeast, 25 percent are on the West Coast and the final 25 percent are dispersed throughout the rest of the country. It would make sense for the retailer to focus the majority of its SMS marketing efforts on customers in the Northeast. If less than one percent of the replies come from the Midwest, it wouldn’t make much sense to target that area with mobile messages.

An article in the online publication Chief Marketer lists heavier analytics as one of the top mobile marketing trends of the year. Brendan O’Kane, the author of the article, suggests that companies are going to increase their data tracking efforts this year as a way to ensure they see solid returns on their investments.

“There will be significant investment in metrics like action analytics – campaigns tied to actions and ROI – that go beyond simply tracking who downloaded what, when, and how many times,” O’Kane writes.

Swift SMS Gateway offers the tools organizations need to launch and track effective text message marketing campaigns.