Earlier this year, people around the world heard about Edward Snowden, the contractor who leaked documents on the United States' National Security Agency (NSA). Although it is not surprising that the American government government has federal agencies dedicated to spying tactics, the leaked documents uncovered the alarming extent of this operation.

Recently, the Washington Post and Guardian reported that the NSA tried to break into Tor, a commonly used internet privacy tool. The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory initially designed the program to allow anonymous web browsing and communication in dangerous nations. Web traffic is encrypted by multiple servers, but the NSA has tried to crack Tor's code because the program was known to be used by international criminals as well, the Post explained.

As the internet becomes a larger part of society's daily routine, these capabilities are now expanded onto smartphones. It is important that business continue to secure their digital assets and communication with clients. A majority of companies are not communicating with alleged American enemies, but this is not stopping the NSA from using advanced technologies.

Intelligence officials are trying to increase transparency with the American public by telling Congress that the NSA is able to use cell-site data to see a cell phone user's location at any moment, the Miami Herald reported. Even though the NSA said this is possible, the program has not been used since tests were made between 2010 and 2011.

"This may be something that is a future requirement for the country, but it is not right now because when we identify a [phone] number, we give it to the FBI," NSA chief General Keith Alexander told Congress. "When they get their probable cause, they can get the locational data."

As cell phone usage continues to grow, especially text messaging services, the last thing executives need is an up-to-date cache on sensitive, client data. Companies that wish to increase their security measures and continue operations should consider relocating to Canada. With BlackBerry looking into selling many of its offices within the "Technology Triangle" in Waterloo, now would be a great opportunity to relocate.

BlackBerry owns more than 20 commercial real estate spaces in Waterloo and are looking to "generate the largest possible return in as little time as possible," Global and Mail explained. Swift SMS Gateway is one among many organizations that reside in Canada at this time.