Conducting a sale can be a long, arduous process. Inside and outside sales executives must utilize a tremendous amount of resources to take a business or consumer from prospect to signed client. Fortunately, text message marketing is becoming an increasingly effective sales tactic.

A study conducted by Leads360 – a cloud-based sales automation solutions provider – found that incorporating text messages into the selling process can increase sales by 328 percent. This means that prospects are comfortable with receiving communique and responding to various sales associates via SMS messaging. 

Nick Hedges, the president and CEO at Leads360, said in a recent press release that many sales associates are just learning the value of text message marketing and that it should only grow in the coming years.

“Text messaging is an untapped opportunity for sales teams, with enormous potential when used strategically,” Hedges said. “While phone and email continue to be an important way to communicate with a prospect, at times, there is nothing better than a text message.”

Not all text messages have to feature business jargon either. Texting is popular because it’s comfortable and users are able to be a little looser with their verbiage to get their point across. Therefore, sales associates can use SMS services to further friendly conversations about their products and services, something that many recipients might be more apt to respond to. Sales execs have to be very careful when talking to prospects, particularly as they move further along the sales process, and text messaging is proving to be a safe yet effective way to communicate between professionals and potential customers.

As texting integrates its way into more business channels, it will only grow as a service. Swift SMS Gateway offers the tools salespeople need to launch effective text message marketing campaigns and increase profits.