Text from your own 800 series Toll-Free business line!

With Swift’s Toll-Free SMS, you can text from your current, or new 800 series business line with no disruption to your existing voice phone service. Designed for personal, one-to-one communication with your customers, Toll-Free SMS simplifies your customer communication. By SMS enabling your Toll-Free number, customers won’t need to save or remember to text a different phone number.

With Swift’s Toll-Free SMS, you can:

  • SMS enable your current Toll-Free line without the need to replace or move it
  • Provide a convenient method of contact for you and your customer
  • Validate your customer’s mobile number
  • Make sure you don’t miss out on any customers that already may be trying to text your Toll-Free line

Customers can now use your Toll-Free number for texting your business and you can respond efficiently.

Some typical uses of Toll-Free SMS include:

  • Customer service departments
  • Appointment reminders
  • Sales desk applications

Toll-Free SMS is an add-on available for API 2 and API 3, and Small Biz service clients.

Toll-Free SMS is forbidden to use on SPAM marketing broadcasts.

Contact us to integrate Toll-Free SMS into your mobile and web strategy today (std. rates apply).